Apache PLC4X is an Apache Software Foundation project. Eclipse Milo is an Eclipse Foundation project. I am a committer to the PLC4X project, this blog is just for me to showcase the project I have been involved in. In no other way is iscito.com associated with the PLC4X or Milo projects.
The PLC4X OPC-UA Server is an integration with the Apache PLC4X stack which allows for communication via a number of industrial protocols, and the Eclipse Milo OPC-UA server stack. This allows you to make available via OPC-UA time series data points using any of these protocols:-
- Modbus
- Ethernet/IP (Including Rockwell)
- ADS (Beckhoff)
- S7 (Siemens)
- BACNET (Building Automation)
- Clipsal C-Bus
- CANOpen
- KNX (Building Automation)
- PROFINET (In Development)
- and a simulation device.